
Mango Rain
Mango Rain is a flawlessly told story of intrigue, love, separation and hope. It is a family story. Dr. Arias’ descriptions of the tropical island are delicious. You will savor the flavor of the Cuba so few people know. Her personal history and knowledge gives her a unique perspective into the minds, hearts, fears and aspirations of a people living in a closed society contrasted with Cubans living the American dream.

Lluvia de Mango
La Dra. Berta Isabel Arias emigró de La Habana, Cuba en 1957 y ha vivido casi toda su vida en Chicago. Ha escrito cuentos y poesía desde muy joven; Lluvia de Mango es su primera novela. La Dra. Arias es profesora emérito en diferentes idiomas y gracias a un viaje académico que realizara con estudiantes universitarios en 2004 a Cuba, con licencia del gobierno de los EE.UU., se inspiró para escribir Lluvia de Mango.

Capsulas Informativas Constitucionales
Constitutional scholar David J. Shestokas and author Dr. Berta Isabel Arias have released Cápsulas Informativas Constitucionales. This publication affords America’s Spanish speaking population an unprecedented opportunity to understand their freedoms, combining translations of America’s founding documents with an engaging discussion of historical context and contemporary application.